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Global Search Sales Agent / Distributor Questionnaire

Global Search Sales Agent / Distributor Questionnaire

Thank you for your interest in Dalian Elite Analytical Instruments Company. We are seeking partnerships with sales agents and distributors who can effectively represent and promote our products. To help us gain a better understanding of your company and its capabilities, we kindly request you to complete the questionnaire provided below. 

Rest assured that your responses will remain confidential and will only be used for evaluating potential partnership opportunities.

Company Information

*Type of Partnership, you're interested in:
*Company Name
*Company Address
*Company Phone Number
*Company URL/ Web Address
*How many offices do you have?
*Where are these offices located? (Towns, Countries)
*How many employees work for your company?
*What is the size of your current sales team?
*Please provide a description of your company's core business activities.
*How long has your company been engaged in the sales business? How long has your company been engaged in the sales business?
*What sectors/industries do your customers belong to?
*Could your company offer a comprehensive range of services including plant engineering, installation, and after-sales support for end customers?
*Name your top three most successful sales channels.
*Have you worked as a distributor or sales agent for other companies before? If yes, please provide details.
*Full Name
*Contact Person Position
*Phone Number
*Email Address
Please provide any additional comments or further information.